by: Phil Wiley
Here's an all about Google letter. It didn't start out that way, but when my fingers got typing that's what flowed out of them.
My brain could have had something to do with it too. But not a lot. It's still quite muddled from being ill.
Hope you find this stuff below useful.
1. Google Adsense stuff
I've heard that Google have been getting tough on Adsense sites recently, investigating sites displaying Adsense and removing ones which don't meet the criteria.
You see, what's happening is that people are getting approved for one site, then adding the code to other sites they own.
That's fine by Google as long as the new sites have nothing wrong with them/don't break Google's small print.
Well some of that small print is mighty small and two friends have written to me this week to say their sites have been banned in the past 7 days.
Well both for the same reason. They both put a lot of work into building new content sites and put the Adsense ads up on almost every page.
But it was obvious that the sites had no purpose other than displaying the Adsense code.
They didn't try to get subscribers to their ezines, they didn't promote affiliate programs, etc.
All they did was have good quality targeted content + Adsense.
Now you might think there's nothing wrong with building a site like that, but Google just doesn't like it when it comes to Adsense.
One friend sent me the letter Google sent him. Here's part of what Google had to say:
"Ads may not be placed on pages published specifically for the purpose of showing ads, whether or not the page content is relevant."
Ok, so seeing that having quality content isn't enough, what can you do to make sure your own Adsense sites don't fall foul of the rules?
Well what you have to do is give your sites an extra purpose.
Here are a few ways of doing that:
# also display some affiliate links on the pages, and include an affiliate graphic or two.
# perhaps run a news ticker. You can get good ones from a number of sources, but one of the best is which
has newsfeeds covering a huge variety of niches.
# link to authority sites on the subject, even though they're probably not linking back to you.
# start an ezine and have a subscribe box displayed prominently on each page.
# if your site is about online business/marketing give away a free ebook or two. But make sure they're quality one's you can customize with your affiliate links so that you stand a chance
of profiting from them.
# have a poll running on your site. I use a good one from One Minute Poll
If I were you I'd do all of them.
2. Google Adwords Traffic:
One way of GUARANTEEING plenty of visitors from Google is by buying Adwords.
If you do it right you can make a fabulous income. If you do it wrong, you'll be well out of pocket.
Recommended Adwords Resources ->
Chris Carpenter's GoogleCash ebook, which details how Chris makes a living from Adwords. An excellent resource.
I'm a big user of Google Adwords to promote my many mini sites. And it's now made easier because of the help I get from using GoogleCash and AdWords Analyzer. Read the page listed below to
follow this strategy (it works).
3. Google and blogging...
Google is still ranking frequently updated Blogs very high. And having your own blog (and keeping it to the theme of your main site) could be a great way of getting more traffic.
To learn how to do it well I'd like to recommend you read James Maduk's Blogging Secrets which is a really good multimedia ebook. Very tasty.
Like his excellent Google course "How to Get Ranked #1 On Google" it's a combination of Audio / Video / Whiteboard Training and Screen Captures. (plus you get 4 Hours of bonus audio
interviews from his private E-learning sessions.
If you're thinking of blogging for profit you need to read this first.
4. More Google Stuff...
Your commercially oriented sites probably took a rankings kick in the guts in the last Google update.
Don't worry, you're not alone. This site lets you enter the main keywords for your site and see how many other sites with the same keyword phrase have dropped in rankings.
Not really useful, but interesting.
More useful - in fact a MUST READ if you're at all interested in learning more about how and why Google's latest update is affecting your sites - is a detailed online report "A Statistical and Experimental Analysis of Google's Florida Update" written by Leslie Rohde who developed that marvelous ranking software Optilink.
There's no charge to read it, though Leslie could easily have packaged it up into a "special report" and sold it.
When you've done with reading it though, I seriously suggest taking a look at Optilink.
Leslie is one of the most knowledgeable search engine people around, and the Optilink software works a treat.
Looks like an Adsense competitor is on the way early in 2004
Overtures efforts in this field are in beta, with some major sites already running content matched Overture advertising, (and rumors that it's going to be opened up to all of us) and Commission Junction have got a contextual advertising/content matching solution in the works - though unlike Adsense it's very unlikely
to offer pay per click.
You can get more on Overture's Content Match here and while you're there you might want to consider advertising on them. I've had an account there for years now and get tons of traffic to my mini sites. A friend of mine, Paul Manuel, wrote a free report
detailing how he makes a great living from his Overture advertising. you can get it here.
Ok, one last Google thing: Trackmeat.
It's no cost software that saves you logging into Adsense 50 times a day to check how your commissions are doing.
Once you install it and click "Go" it minimizes right away, and your AdSense income will update down in the taskbar and system tray at intervals set by you.
It also works for Commission Junction.
(note: I haven't used this software, so I'm not recommending it, just informing you that it exists)
About the author:
Phil Wiley is the author of the best selling book Mini Site Profits www.minisiteprofits.comand writes the free weekly Letter from Phil at
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How to Make Money Online with Google AdWords
The one way to take advantage of Google AdWords is to become affiliate. Affiliate marketing is where someone advertises for another website and in return that person receives commission for each sale their advertising brigs to that website. Here's an example: Let's say I want to sell Laptop Computers, but I don't have a website and/or I don't have any computers to sell. Well instead of starting a company, I can just find a company online which already sells computers and offers an affiliate program. Now that I have searched and found a company, I look at what they offer. Let's say they are giving 10% commission on every sale I make. I decide to use that company and I set up my affiliate account with them and they give me a special URL (a web address that will let the company know that it was my advertising which gave them the sale), which I use in my advertisements. Now I make ad advertisement, and display it on Google. Whenever someone sees and clicks on my advertisement it will go to the company's webpage. Let's say that one hundred people clicked on my text advertisement and one of them buys a computer that cost $1,200. Because that person who bought the computer clicked on my advertisement that company will give me 10% of $1,200 which means that I made $120.00
Most online companies offer affiliate program. Companies like Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max,, and many more, literally tens of thousands. There are also companies online which all they do is offer other online business a way to have an affiliate program. These affiliate Companies manage affiliate programs for thousands of online companies. This means that if you have an account with Affiliate Company (they are completely free), you can advertise for any of the thousands of companies that use them to manage their affiliate sales. If you want to, you can search Google for affiliate programs just to see how big online marketing currently is.
By using AdWords and high paying affiliate program you can start earning money today. The AdWords advertisements are Pay Per Click (PPC), which means that the owner of that advertisement pays Google every time someone clicks on their advertisement. The main reason for wanting to pay for traffic is because it is very very difficult to receive free traffic on Google. When you sign up for Google AdWords Pay Per Click advertising your advertisement will be displayed almost immediately in Google's search results (usually within 5 minutes). You can also decide which page you want your advertisements to be displayed on ( the first page receives more visitors than the other pages).
It is very simple to start Google AdWords account. Go to and look toward the bottom of the page. You will see a link says "Advertising Programs". Once you there, you should click on the link which says Google AdWords. After clicking "Click to Begin", you will be taken to a couple of pages which will ask you how you want to set up your advertising group(s) with Google. Google will send you an email to the email address you specified which will contain a URL that you will need to go to in order to activate your account. After you go to that URL you can log into Google AdWords using your email address as your user name. Now that you have an account set up, you are ready to learn how to create a Campaign so you can begin making money online.
Here is how to create a AdWords campaign in Google. First off to create a new keyword campaign, click the link" Keyword-Targeted" campaign. You will be prompted to name your campaign. Your campaign name is what will be displayed on the first screen when you log into your Google AdWords account. Since you will most likely have several campaigns, when you name your campaign you will want to make sure it is unique name that will let you know exactly what you are advertising in that campaign. Next you will need to name your AdGroup. Remember, you will have several different AdGroups with one Campaign, so name it something that will help you know exactly what keywords are in that AdGroup. Next, you should choose the area(s) where you want your ads to appear. There are three different ways to choose where you want to advertise. You can choose to advertise by Countries and Territories, Regions and Cities, or Customized.
The most important thing you need in order to have a successful Google campaign is a text ad with a high CTR. Text Ads with a high CTR will increase your Quality Score which will increase your overall position. Things You Should Know: 1. You are not required to have "http:" or "www" in your display URL. 2. Google will not let you capitalize all the letters in all your words, but they will let you capitalize most of your words. 3. The website must not require additional software to load (example: it cannot be a .pdf instead of .htm). 4. Back button must be able to go back to Google with one click. 5. You can't have websites that mirror other websites that are advertised for the same keyword (example: having the same pictures and text but using a different web address). I know many affiliates do this, but I don't know how much Google enforces this rule. 6. The website you are advertising cannot have a pop up or pup under ad.
Another key to having a successful online business is making sure that every single person who is even the slightest bit interested in your product sees your advertisement. The best way to do this is by creating a very huge keyword list (thousands of keywords). Some products have many keywords, while others have very few. Usually the more keywords there are available for the product, the better. Not because it is searched more often, but also because most people who are also selling the same product will only select a few general keywords which may be very broad keywords. When you bid on Google, you will not always pay the price you enter. The price you enter is the MCPC (Maximum Cost Per Click) you are willing to pay for that keyword. Google constantly updating the bids for the keywords in their search engine. For example if your MCPC is $0.15 and the advertiser in front of you is bidding $0.16 and the Ad one position behind you is bidding $0.05, you will only pay $0.06 per click, because there is no reason why you should have to pay $0.15 per click if you can get the same Ad position for $0.06 per click.
Google is a most searched search engine on the internet and with that they are consistently making update and improvement. If you are really serious about making money online or promotion you current business I will make a recommendation that will make you an absolute pro on AdWords. I've spend thousands trying to research best possible ways to market in the internet. With all the money I've spend I could of just gotten one system Google MoneyPro by Steven Holdaway. You absolutely cannot ignore what he has to share with you. He personally makes over $120,000 per MONT
The one way to take advantage of Google AdWords is to become affiliate. Affiliate marketing is where someone advertises for another website and in return that person receives commission for each sale their advertising brigs to that website. Here's an example: Let's say I want to sell Laptop Computers, but I don't have a website and/or I don't have any computers to sell. Well instead of starting a company, I can just find a company online which already sells computers and offers an affiliate program. Now that I have searched and found a company, I look at what they offer. Let's say they are giving 10% commission on every sale I make. I decide to use that company and I set up my affiliate account with them and they give me a special URL (a web address that will let the company know that it was my advertising which gave them the sale), which I use in my advertisements. Now I make ad advertisement, and display it on Google. Whenever someone sees and clicks on my advertisement it will go to the company's webpage. Let's say that one hundred people clicked on my text advertisement and one of them buys a computer that cost $1,200. Because that person who bought the computer clicked on my advertisement that company will give me 10% of $1,200 which means that I made $120.00
Most online companies offer affiliate program. Companies like Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max,, and many more, literally tens of thousands. There are also companies online which all they do is offer other online business a way to have an affiliate program. These affiliate Companies manage affiliate programs for thousands of online companies. This means that if you have an account with Affiliate Company (they are completely free), you can advertise for any of the thousands of companies that use them to manage their affiliate sales. If you want to, you can search Google for affiliate programs just to see how big online marketing currently is.
By using AdWords and high paying affiliate program you can start earning money today. The AdWords advertisements are Pay Per Click (PPC), which means that the owner of that advertisement pays Google every time someone clicks on their advertisement. The main reason for wanting to pay for traffic is because it is very very difficult to receive free traffic on Google. When you sign up for Google AdWords Pay Per Click advertising your advertisement will be displayed almost immediately in Google's search results (usually within 5 minutes). You can also decide which page you want your advertisements to be displayed on ( the first page receives more visitors than the other pages).
It is very simple to start Google AdWords account. Go to and look toward the bottom of the page. You will see a link says "Advertising Programs". Once you there, you should click on the link which says Google AdWords. After clicking "Click to Begin", you will be taken to a couple of pages which will ask you how you want to set up your advertising group(s) with Google. Google will send you an email to the email address you specified which will contain a URL that you will need to go to in order to activate your account. After you go to that URL you can log into Google AdWords using your email address as your user name. Now that you have an account set up, you are ready to learn how to create a Campaign so you can begin making money online.
Here is how to create a AdWords campaign in Google. First off to create a new keyword campaign, click the link" Keyword-Targeted" campaign. You will be prompted to name your campaign. Your campaign name is what will be displayed on the first screen when you log into your Google AdWords account. Since you will most likely have several campaigns, when you name your campaign you will want to make sure it is unique name that will let you know exactly what you are advertising in that campaign. Next you will need to name your AdGroup. Remember, you will have several different AdGroups with one Campaign, so name it something that will help you know exactly what keywords are in that AdGroup. Next, you should choose the area(s) where you want your ads to appear. There are three different ways to choose where you want to advertise. You can choose to advertise by Countries and Territories, Regions and Cities, or Customized.
The most important thing you need in order to have a successful Google campaign is a text ad with a high CTR. Text Ads with a high CTR will increase your Quality Score which will increase your overall position. Things You Should Know: 1. You are not required to have "http:" or "www" in your display URL. 2. Google will not let you capitalize all the letters in all your words, but they will let you capitalize most of your words. 3. The website must not require additional software to load (example: it cannot be a .pdf instead of .htm). 4. Back button must be able to go back to Google with one click. 5. You can't have websites that mirror other websites that are advertised for the same keyword (example: having the same pictures and text but using a different web address). I know many affiliates do this, but I don't know how much Google enforces this rule. 6. The website you are advertising cannot have a pop up or pup under ad.
Another key to having a successful online business is making sure that every single person who is even the slightest bit interested in your product sees your advertisement. The best way to do this is by creating a very huge keyword list (thousands of keywords). Some products have many keywords, while others have very few. Usually the more keywords there are available for the product, the better. Not because it is searched more often, but also because most people who are also selling the same product will only select a few general keywords which may be very broad keywords. When you bid on Google, you will not always pay the price you enter. The price you enter is the MCPC (Maximum Cost Per Click) you are willing to pay for that keyword. Google constantly updating the bids for the keywords in their search engine. For example if your MCPC is $0.15 and the advertiser in front of you is bidding $0.16 and the Ad one position behind you is bidding $0.05, you will only pay $0.06 per click, because there is no reason why you should have to pay $0.15 per click if you can get the same Ad position for $0.06 per click.
Google is a most searched search engine on the internet and with that they are consistently making update and improvement. If you are really serious about making money online or promotion you current business I will make a recommendation that will make you an absolute pro on AdWords. I've spend thousands trying to research best possible ways to market in the internet. With all the money I've spend I could of just gotten one system Google MoneyPro by Steven Holdaway. You absolutely cannot ignore what he has to share with you. He personally makes over $120,000 per MONT
Kamis, 28 Februari 2008
Senin, 25 Februari 2008
Google Adwords - The Affiliate Marketers New Best Friend.
by: Gerald David Greene
Google Adwords - There are many thousands of web site promotion products that are on the Internet that make all sorts of claims about the "flood" of traffic that they will bring to your web site. There is no doubt that to make a decent income as an affiliate you will need traffic and a lot of it.
However, be careful. Unfortunately many of the products are not effective and will not live up to their promoters claims. Google Adwords is a breath of fresh air blowing in fresh and untainted from all of the Internet hype. You really can get a flood of traffic fast with a good Google Adwords ad. Starting about 15 minutes from now if you already know your product and market well and write a good ad.
However, getting the traffic flow is only part of the story. Since Google Adwords can start bringing traffic to your site in 15 minutes or less after setting up an ad campaign you had best be ready to receive that traffic before starting a campaign. This may seem like an obvious statement but it is amazing that many promoters spend good money sending traffic to a truly horrible web site that is offering equally horrible products.
My advice is to take your time to find a quality affiliate program that has outstanding in demand products and a high converting web site before turning loose a Google Adwords campaign. The products reviewed and recommended at Affiliate-Programs-Promotion.Com are those that have worked for us and that should work for you but do your own homework and analysis. If you are sending traffic to your own web site make sure that the site is fast loading, is well designed, has a clear call to action, is easy to navigate, and has a simple, easy to follow check out procedure.
Forget, all the fancy stuff. Flash presentations and the like. On your selling pages on the net simple really is better.
Google Adwords - What is It?- Google Adwords are the tiny little ads that you see in the far right hand column of most Google search results pages. The ads are written by ad publishers (advertisers), who pay on a pay for performance basis for their ads to appear on the Google pages.
The advertisers (publishers) pay starting from a minimum bid of $0.05 a click but only pay if someone comes along and actually clicks through on the ad. Since Google serves many millions of search results daily a Google Adwords ad gets a lot of exposure quickly. If it is a good ad about something that folks have a real interest in you (as the advertiser) will get a lot of traffic and visitors in a New York minute.
Fortunately, Google lets you set up a daily budget so that even the "litte guy" can use the service without fear of going broke. Google sets up a line of credit for you to get started and only charges a $5.00 processing fee to set up your account. Initially, you will be billed when your account balance is about minus $200. That is, when you own Google about $200 for your ad click throughs. My advice is to set your budget at a level that you are comfortable with rather than by following the Google suggestion.
That said, to get the best results don't be too tight with your ad budget. Google is high powered and needs some fuel (money) to show you what it can do.
So What's the Big Deal about Google Adwords? - Google Adwords is, in my opinion, the most significant new way of advertising since our friend Al Gore invented the Internet.-)
Why do I say that? Where else can you open an account, write an ad, choose a few keywords, select your area of distribution, and have visitors visiting your web site within 15 minutes? Not only that but Google lets you change your key words, ad copy, headlines, area of distribution (you can advertise globally, to the US only, or to many market area combinations), and URL's whenever and as often as you like.
However, as good as Google Adwords is be forewarned. It is NOT as easy to make money with Google as some so called Internet gurus would have you believe. Writing a good small ad is actually more difficult that writing a big one. With a small ad every word counts. You must have an attention getting headline or you are wasting your time. However, you only have 25 characters for that headline.
You have room for two lines of body, each with a maximum of 35 characters, then a line for a display URL and a line for the actual web site URL that you are sending traffic too. That's it. Your small ad must be very well written. It is amazing what a difference in click through rates the changing of even one word can bring.
In order to write a good small ad you must have a very good understanding of the product and of your target buyers. You have to zoom right in and show the benefits of buying your product or service in just a few words. That's not easy to do but is a fun and rewarding goal to work towards.
The point is, there is a learning curve with Google and at first your results may be disappointing. Especially since the hypesters tell you how easy it is. However, the potential for profit is so great that IMHO it would be foolish to ignore Google Adwords. Some foks are already making a darn good income from just running Google ads. Those who work hard to master Google and actually become Google Adwords experts will have the key to Internet riches firmly in their grasp.
Google Adwords Features. - Google Adwords has many top notch account management and ad campaign management and ad evaluation features. For example, you can set up separate ad campaigns for each grouping of key words and track the results. You will know rather quickly your "money" key words and then can easily make adjustments in your campaign.
Rather than outline all of the features here I believe it will be better for you to get that information directly from Google. For additional information go to Google Adwords
Google Adwords Tips -
1.-> Start your campaign by using the minimum bid of $.05. Since Google rewards an ad that is getting a high CTR by moving it higher in the search page results listings a great ad may get more traffic at the $.05 rate that a poor ad at $.50. Try the lower amount first and see what you can do. It is easy to increase your bid if need be.
2.-> Always write at least two ads for each campaign. Google will show you the CTR rate for each ad. Review your ads results frequently. Delete or revise the poorer performing ad, write fresh copy, headline, etc. and again measure results. Always try to keep improving using the better performing ad as the control. The goal is to beat the performance of your best ad and to start the process all over again. You should always be trying to improve performance. A great ad promoting a great product is a real money maker.
3.-> Google rewards relevance. Your keywords, ad copy, and web page that you are sending traffic to must be highly correlated. Example: You are selling blue leather shoes. Your headline should be "blue leather shoes", your ad copy should have "blue leather shoes" in it, and when the folks who are looking for "blue leather shoes" reach your web page thay had better quickly have "blue leather shoes" right in their face.
4.-> If your own web page is sub par send folks directly to your affiliate page. That is if it is a page that converts visitors to buyers at a decent rate. You don't even have to have your own web page with Google Adwords. If your affiliate site is a real winner send your traffic directly to the site. If the order page is great send your visitors directly to the affiliate order page.
5.-> Test, Test, Test. With Google Adwords you will get very fast feedback on your ad headlines, copy, keywords, and sign-ups. You can test new ideas fast. If they work, fantastic. If they fall flat you can quickly revise your campaign. Compare a 24 to 48 hour time period to know if an ad is working well or not to say a print media ad in a magazine where 30 to 60 days may go by before the ad even runs. Google Adwords is a dream of an advertising tool for those who move up the learning curve.
6.-> Be ruthless in deleting or revising poor performing ads and key words. Google pays big rewards for excellence. A great ad can move right to the top of the list and get a ton of traffic for you at $.05 a visitor. You can improve your ads performance by deleting the keywords that are poorly ranked and for deleting ads and replacing ads that are getting a poor CTR.
7.-> Pay attention to how your display URL looks. Try capitializing a word or two and the "c" in com. For example, if your URL is try http://MyGoogleAd.Com .Believe it or not it can make a big difference in your CTR for that ad.
8.-> Set your budget at a level that you are comfortable with but be realistic. I wouldn't go under $5.00 a day or you will severely limit your traffic. If your budget is too low Google will not fully serve your ad. Less exposures will likely mean less traffic than your ad should be generating.
9.-> Use a good key word tool, like Wordtracker, to help you make good key word selections. It doesn't matter how good your headline and ad copy are if you are targeting key words that no one is searching for. It is equally disastrous to target keywords that are too general in nature.
For example, if you are in the fish business and target "fish" you may get a lot of traffic but no sales. If you are in the tropical fish business and target "tropical fish" you would be getting closer to the mark. If you sell exotic tropical fish and target "exotic tropical fish" you will likely get the right type of traffic visiting your web site AND assuming that you have a decent site your visitors would be placing orders.
For help in selecting keywords go to
Google Adwords Deserves Your Attention. - There is a lot more to Google Adwords than I have covered herein. I hope that I generated enough interest so that you will do further research. If it seems like it may be for you go to Google, click on Adwords, and give it a good go. Adwords is a professional program with a lot on information readily available at the Google web site.
About the author:
David lives in Thailand for most of each year. He works from a home office in Pattaya. David enjoys traveling in S.E. Asia from this central location.
His income comes from a number of Internet ventures. His latest projects are at:
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Google Adwords - There are many thousands of web site promotion products that are on the Internet that make all sorts of claims about the "flood" of traffic that they will bring to your web site. There is no doubt that to make a decent income as an affiliate you will need traffic and a lot of it.
However, be careful. Unfortunately many of the products are not effective and will not live up to their promoters claims. Google Adwords is a breath of fresh air blowing in fresh and untainted from all of the Internet hype. You really can get a flood of traffic fast with a good Google Adwords ad. Starting about 15 minutes from now if you already know your product and market well and write a good ad.
However, getting the traffic flow is only part of the story. Since Google Adwords can start bringing traffic to your site in 15 minutes or less after setting up an ad campaign you had best be ready to receive that traffic before starting a campaign. This may seem like an obvious statement but it is amazing that many promoters spend good money sending traffic to a truly horrible web site that is offering equally horrible products.
My advice is to take your time to find a quality affiliate program that has outstanding in demand products and a high converting web site before turning loose a Google Adwords campaign. The products reviewed and recommended at Affiliate-Programs-Promotion.Com are those that have worked for us and that should work for you but do your own homework and analysis. If you are sending traffic to your own web site make sure that the site is fast loading, is well designed, has a clear call to action, is easy to navigate, and has a simple, easy to follow check out procedure.
Forget, all the fancy stuff. Flash presentations and the like. On your selling pages on the net simple really is better.
Google Adwords - What is It?- Google Adwords are the tiny little ads that you see in the far right hand column of most Google search results pages. The ads are written by ad publishers (advertisers), who pay on a pay for performance basis for their ads to appear on the Google pages.
The advertisers (publishers) pay starting from a minimum bid of $0.05 a click but only pay if someone comes along and actually clicks through on the ad. Since Google serves many millions of search results daily a Google Adwords ad gets a lot of exposure quickly. If it is a good ad about something that folks have a real interest in you (as the advertiser) will get a lot of traffic and visitors in a New York minute.
Fortunately, Google lets you set up a daily budget so that even the "litte guy" can use the service without fear of going broke. Google sets up a line of credit for you to get started and only charges a $5.00 processing fee to set up your account. Initially, you will be billed when your account balance is about minus $200. That is, when you own Google about $200 for your ad click throughs. My advice is to set your budget at a level that you are comfortable with rather than by following the Google suggestion.
That said, to get the best results don't be too tight with your ad budget. Google is high powered and needs some fuel (money) to show you what it can do.
So What's the Big Deal about Google Adwords? - Google Adwords is, in my opinion, the most significant new way of advertising since our friend Al Gore invented the Internet.-)
Why do I say that? Where else can you open an account, write an ad, choose a few keywords, select your area of distribution, and have visitors visiting your web site within 15 minutes? Not only that but Google lets you change your key words, ad copy, headlines, area of distribution (you can advertise globally, to the US only, or to many market area combinations), and URL's whenever and as often as you like.
However, as good as Google Adwords is be forewarned. It is NOT as easy to make money with Google as some so called Internet gurus would have you believe. Writing a good small ad is actually more difficult that writing a big one. With a small ad every word counts. You must have an attention getting headline or you are wasting your time. However, you only have 25 characters for that headline.
You have room for two lines of body, each with a maximum of 35 characters, then a line for a display URL and a line for the actual web site URL that you are sending traffic too. That's it. Your small ad must be very well written. It is amazing what a difference in click through rates the changing of even one word can bring.
In order to write a good small ad you must have a very good understanding of the product and of your target buyers. You have to zoom right in and show the benefits of buying your product or service in just a few words. That's not easy to do but is a fun and rewarding goal to work towards.
The point is, there is a learning curve with Google and at first your results may be disappointing. Especially since the hypesters tell you how easy it is. However, the potential for profit is so great that IMHO it would be foolish to ignore Google Adwords. Some foks are already making a darn good income from just running Google ads. Those who work hard to master Google and actually become Google Adwords experts will have the key to Internet riches firmly in their grasp.
Google Adwords Features. - Google Adwords has many top notch account management and ad campaign management and ad evaluation features. For example, you can set up separate ad campaigns for each grouping of key words and track the results. You will know rather quickly your "money" key words and then can easily make adjustments in your campaign.
Rather than outline all of the features here I believe it will be better for you to get that information directly from Google. For additional information go to Google Adwords
Google Adwords Tips -
1.-> Start your campaign by using the minimum bid of $.05. Since Google rewards an ad that is getting a high CTR by moving it higher in the search page results listings a great ad may get more traffic at the $.05 rate that a poor ad at $.50. Try the lower amount first and see what you can do. It is easy to increase your bid if need be.
2.-> Always write at least two ads for each campaign. Google will show you the CTR rate for each ad. Review your ads results frequently. Delete or revise the poorer performing ad, write fresh copy, headline, etc. and again measure results. Always try to keep improving using the better performing ad as the control. The goal is to beat the performance of your best ad and to start the process all over again. You should always be trying to improve performance. A great ad promoting a great product is a real money maker.
3.-> Google rewards relevance. Your keywords, ad copy, and web page that you are sending traffic to must be highly correlated. Example: You are selling blue leather shoes. Your headline should be "blue leather shoes", your ad copy should have "blue leather shoes" in it, and when the folks who are looking for "blue leather shoes" reach your web page thay had better quickly have "blue leather shoes" right in their face.
4.-> If your own web page is sub par send folks directly to your affiliate page. That is if it is a page that converts visitors to buyers at a decent rate. You don't even have to have your own web page with Google Adwords. If your affiliate site is a real winner send your traffic directly to the site. If the order page is great send your visitors directly to the affiliate order page.
5.-> Test, Test, Test. With Google Adwords you will get very fast feedback on your ad headlines, copy, keywords, and sign-ups. You can test new ideas fast. If they work, fantastic. If they fall flat you can quickly revise your campaign. Compare a 24 to 48 hour time period to know if an ad is working well or not to say a print media ad in a magazine where 30 to 60 days may go by before the ad even runs. Google Adwords is a dream of an advertising tool for those who move up the learning curve.
6.-> Be ruthless in deleting or revising poor performing ads and key words. Google pays big rewards for excellence. A great ad can move right to the top of the list and get a ton of traffic for you at $.05 a visitor. You can improve your ads performance by deleting the keywords that are poorly ranked and for deleting ads and replacing ads that are getting a poor CTR.
7.-> Pay attention to how your display URL looks. Try capitializing a word or two and the "c" in com. For example, if your URL is try http://MyGoogleAd.Com .Believe it or not it can make a big difference in your CTR for that ad.
8.-> Set your budget at a level that you are comfortable with but be realistic. I wouldn't go under $5.00 a day or you will severely limit your traffic. If your budget is too low Google will not fully serve your ad. Less exposures will likely mean less traffic than your ad should be generating.
9.-> Use a good key word tool, like Wordtracker, to help you make good key word selections. It doesn't matter how good your headline and ad copy are if you are targeting key words that no one is searching for. It is equally disastrous to target keywords that are too general in nature.
For example, if you are in the fish business and target "fish" you may get a lot of traffic but no sales. If you are in the tropical fish business and target "tropical fish" you would be getting closer to the mark. If you sell exotic tropical fish and target "exotic tropical fish" you will likely get the right type of traffic visiting your web site AND assuming that you have a decent site your visitors would be placing orders.
For help in selecting keywords go to
Google Adwords Deserves Your Attention. - There is a lot more to Google Adwords than I have covered herein. I hope that I generated enough interest so that you will do further research. If it seems like it may be for you go to Google, click on Adwords, and give it a good go. Adwords is a professional program with a lot on information readily available at the Google web site.
About the author:
David lives in Thailand for most of each year. He works from a home office in Pattaya. David enjoys traveling in S.E. Asia from this central location.
His income comes from a number of Internet ventures. His latest projects are at:
Circulated by Article Emporium
Senin, 18 Februari 2008
6. Spider Food
Search spiders eat HTML, not Flash. They eat text, not pictures. Make the spiders happy with HTML and lots of text to eat.
7. Site Architecture
There's a lot to consider here, but the goal is creating a site spiders can easily access, a site that tells them where to go and what to index. Sitemaps are vital for this purpose, as is proper use of Robots.txt. Just this week, Google's Webmaster Trends Analyst Susan Moskwa posted 7 must-read Webmaster Central blog posts about these very topics.
8. Frequently Updated Content
You could start a site, slap some content on it, and let it sit there in cyber space. It'll be indexed, most likely. But you really expand your credibility as a devoted, relevant source if you update regularly. In addition to spiders, it gives people a reason to come back, too.
9. Start a Blog
A great way to establish yourself as an authority voice on the Internet is to start a blog about the industry you're in. Maintaining a blog means another entry point with regularly updated content that eventually with some authority helps pull up the main site via targeted links to the site, or specific pages within the site. It's not a spam blog, which will be zapped eventually, if there's useful content on it and legitimate linking.
10. Don't Forget Humans
This is so important, it probably should be higher up on the list. There's an art to designing a site that is friendly to both Google crawlers and the people you ultimately want to convert. Without people, what's the point? So first design for them, and then tweak to please the spiders, not the other way around. Jakob Nielsen is a usability guru you'll want to check out. He's been telling people how make user-centric websites since web directories were still phonebooks—you know, on paper.
By Jason Lee Miller
Search spiders eat HTML, not Flash. They eat text, not pictures. Make the spiders happy with HTML and lots of text to eat.
7. Site Architecture
There's a lot to consider here, but the goal is creating a site spiders can easily access, a site that tells them where to go and what to index. Sitemaps are vital for this purpose, as is proper use of Robots.txt. Just this week, Google's Webmaster Trends Analyst Susan Moskwa posted 7 must-read Webmaster Central blog posts about these very topics.
8. Frequently Updated Content
You could start a site, slap some content on it, and let it sit there in cyber space. It'll be indexed, most likely. But you really expand your credibility as a devoted, relevant source if you update regularly. In addition to spiders, it gives people a reason to come back, too.
9. Start a Blog
A great way to establish yourself as an authority voice on the Internet is to start a blog about the industry you're in. Maintaining a blog means another entry point with regularly updated content that eventually with some authority helps pull up the main site via targeted links to the site, or specific pages within the site. It's not a spam blog, which will be zapped eventually, if there's useful content on it and legitimate linking.
10. Don't Forget Humans
This is so important, it probably should be higher up on the list. There's an art to designing a site that is friendly to both Google crawlers and the people you ultimately want to convert. Without people, what's the point? So first design for them, and then tweak to please the spiders, not the other way around. Jakob Nielsen is a usability guru you'll want to check out. He's been telling people how make user-centric websites since web directories were still phonebooks—you know, on paper.
By Jason Lee Miller
10 Way to Raise Your Site In Google ( II )
2. Content
The order of the Big Three is very debatable, but really they work as parts of the whole; not one of them can be left out if the machine is to work properly. In this case, you probably understand that content should be quality, however that is defined, but it should also be rich in the keywords you are targeting to drive search traffic. That doesn't mean just throwing them in there like you're cooking up a pot of SEO gumbo, though. Keyword use and keyword variation should natural and not overstuffed. For the visual text part of the page, focus on working in the relevant words and phrases you want people to find you for.
3. Quality Links
Or more specifically, backlinks, links to your site from outside sources. Links are your letters of recommendation. If nobody's recommending you, or the recommendations seem phony, then it won't work. Authority links are weighted most heavily, of course, so try to get industry-related authority sites to link to your site.
Convert visitors with Google Analytics - free
4. Quantity Links
Authority (high quality) links are by nature more difficult to get, so you'll have to start somewhere else unless you already have the brand recognition you need from square one. Many SEOers propose "link-swaps" to each other and it used to be common trade to buy and sell links. But as Google demonstrated last Fall, you can't buy Google's love that way. In fact, you'll get the opposite of love. So, try to get as many links as you can from industry peers the good old-fashioned way – by promoting. Submit links to respected directories like DMOZ and Yahoo, as well. A large burst of low-quality, non-authoritative, or bad-neighborhood links, though, can do a lot more harm than good; so keep things natural.
5. URL
The importance of the URL is often debated, but one argument seems to make more sense than the others. Search engines don't like too many parameters in the URL (easy to confuse the spiders with & and ?) and people can't read those long URLs and tell what they mean at a glance either. The people aspect here is especially important, because they're the ones clicking and they need to understand where a link leads them at a millisecond glance. Lesson: keywords in the URL are a good idea.
The order of the Big Three is very debatable, but really they work as parts of the whole; not one of them can be left out if the machine is to work properly. In this case, you probably understand that content should be quality, however that is defined, but it should also be rich in the keywords you are targeting to drive search traffic. That doesn't mean just throwing them in there like you're cooking up a pot of SEO gumbo, though. Keyword use and keyword variation should natural and not overstuffed. For the visual text part of the page, focus on working in the relevant words and phrases you want people to find you for.
3. Quality Links
Or more specifically, backlinks, links to your site from outside sources. Links are your letters of recommendation. If nobody's recommending you, or the recommendations seem phony, then it won't work. Authority links are weighted most heavily, of course, so try to get industry-related authority sites to link to your site.
Convert visitors with Google Analytics - free
4. Quantity Links
Authority (high quality) links are by nature more difficult to get, so you'll have to start somewhere else unless you already have the brand recognition you need from square one. Many SEOers propose "link-swaps" to each other and it used to be common trade to buy and sell links. But as Google demonstrated last Fall, you can't buy Google's love that way. In fact, you'll get the opposite of love. So, try to get as many links as you can from industry peers the good old-fashioned way – by promoting. Submit links to respected directories like DMOZ and Yahoo, as well. A large burst of low-quality, non-authoritative, or bad-neighborhood links, though, can do a lot more harm than good; so keep things natural.
5. URL
The importance of the URL is often debated, but one argument seems to make more sense than the others. Search engines don't like too many parameters in the URL (easy to confuse the spiders with & and ?) and people can't read those long URLs and tell what they mean at a glance either. The people aspect here is especially important, because they're the ones clicking and they need to understand where a link leads them at a millisecond glance. Lesson: keywords in the URL are a good idea.
10 Way to Raise Your Site in Google ( I )
No matter how much some people claim the SEO industry is a den of snake-oil salesmen, there are still definite ways webmasters can improve their rankings, and thus their visibility in Google's search results.
Editor's Note: This by no means a comprehensive list of SEO techniques employed by the industry to get better rankings in Google. If so, it wouldn't exactly be an industry, would it? That means there's a lot we're leaving out. What do you recommend? Let us know in the comments section.
This isn't a manipulation game—Google absolutely hates that game and will punish you for it—which is perhaps what the darker element of the SEO world sells. Good, in-bounds SEO is made up of smart, user-and-search-engine friendly techniques. Think of SEO as a performance-enhancing drug—one that won't get you kicked out of baseball. That being said, there are tons of things webmasters can do to help their sites perform better in search, so this list is not by a long shot finished. It is, though, what we think are the top ten strategies for better search engine—and by "search engine" I mean "Google" – placement.
1. Title tags
Listed by others as one of the Big Three (tags, links, and text), we're putting title tags at the top. The words in the title tag appear in the link that pops up in the search result. This is where you tell the search engine (and the would-be visitor) as succinctly as possible what needs to be known: company or publication name; relevant, targeted keyword or keyword phrase taken from the text of the page. Each page should have a title tag as Google ranks each page individually, not the site in its entirety.
Senin, 11 Februari 2008
How to Build Traffic on Your Website
Linking Your website There are two types of links - Internal Links and External Links. Internal Links refer to the internal linking of web pages whereas External Links define the websites that are linking to your website. Getting links from other websites is the most powerful tool to drive traffic to your website. The results are instantaneous and highly effective. Getting links from quality websites with higher PR and proper anchor text results in more organic traffic from search engines. Half the battle is won if you are able to provide the links in abundance. There are many tools available for automatically building links to your website. There are some link exchange directories on the net which are a good support in link building campaigns. However, the use of these support systems depend entirely on your beliefs and strategies. Proper inter-linking of your web pages is also relevant and significant in driving traffic.
Post Articles It is important that you publish and post more and more articles on the net or article websites. This gives you an advantage as it gets incoming links to your website. Posting unique articles catering to the interest of a large number of readers is also an effective way of driving organic traffic to your website. Well written articles bring more traffic to your website. More traffic means more profit for you. It is observed that as the PR of your website increases, the AdSense payouts also increase. You can hope to get many more internal links to your website through this medium. Search engines take into account the number of quality back links while assigning rank to your website. If visitors reading your articles are interested, they will check out your website and you will have increased number of links. In comparison to the links that point to other websites from your website, the links that point to your website give more points to your rankings.
Optimize Your WebsiteSearch engines will look at both the internal and external profile of your website while assigning a rank to a web page. Internal profile of a website (also known as On Page Optimization) includes usage of meta tags, heading tags, keywords, targeted content, and internal linking of website. External profile of your website defines the websites that are linking to your website. It also defines the pages where your link is placed. Besides, it identifies the PR of those pages along with the placement of your link. And it also includes the number of inward links you are getting.. Using the relevant keywords in anchor text gives a boost to rankings on the search engine result pages (SERPs).
Anchor Text
Anchor Text refers to the clickable text of a hyperlink. Anchor Text plays an important role with regard to the target traffic as well as the search engine rankings. An appropriate Anchor Text apprises the visitors of the content of the page it links to.
Besides, Anchor Text gives a real clue to the search engines regarding the content of the web page it links to. The right Anchor Text improves your website’s search engine ranking. That’s why it’s imperative to pick the Anchor Text astutely.
Google reckons Anchor Text to be an indicator of the page relevance. Google, using its special operator “allinanchor:keyword”, separately indexes the Anchor Text. Given below are some tips for choosing the right Anchor Text that suits the search engine algorithms, and attracts the right traffic.
ToolsWebsite tools makes your website user friendly. It is recommended that you make use of the tools that are visitor friendly. New scripts and innovative schemes for the visitor help you get more inward links. This in turn builds traffic to your website. You should add the tools that are attractive. For example, you can offer free e-books, or introduce new exciting sections relevant to your website. This will make your website exciting for the visitors. Google loves unique content. It richly rewards the websites that provide more content and better facilities to the visitors. Google likes genuine of traffic coming to your website from Ad Sense network. Genuine traffic yields higher payouts. Website tools makes your website a genuine one. The credibility of your website increases the probability of your website getting high paying ads via Google.
Target Niche Keywords
It is important for you to identify the niche markets. This will enable you to fetch the traffic that has not been targeted much, and at the same time gels well with your industry. If your competitor is leading with X traffic on one keyword, you can compete with him by targeting ten niche keywords. This will give you the same amount of traffic. Keyword country provides you with hordes of niche keywords. These niche keywords bring more target traffic to your web pages. This results in a better ROI (if you are selling products or affiliates) or an increased Adsense CTR (Click Thru Ratio) of your ads.
Post Articles It is important that you publish and post more and more articles on the net or article websites. This gives you an advantage as it gets incoming links to your website. Posting unique articles catering to the interest of a large number of readers is also an effective way of driving organic traffic to your website. Well written articles bring more traffic to your website. More traffic means more profit for you. It is observed that as the PR of your website increases, the AdSense payouts also increase. You can hope to get many more internal links to your website through this medium. Search engines take into account the number of quality back links while assigning rank to your website. If visitors reading your articles are interested, they will check out your website and you will have increased number of links. In comparison to the links that point to other websites from your website, the links that point to your website give more points to your rankings.
Optimize Your WebsiteSearch engines will look at both the internal and external profile of your website while assigning a rank to a web page. Internal profile of a website (also known as On Page Optimization) includes usage of meta tags, heading tags, keywords, targeted content, and internal linking of website. External profile of your website defines the websites that are linking to your website. It also defines the pages where your link is placed. Besides, it identifies the PR of those pages along with the placement of your link. And it also includes the number of inward links you are getting.. Using the relevant keywords in anchor text gives a boost to rankings on the search engine result pages (SERPs).
Anchor Text
Anchor Text refers to the clickable text of a hyperlink. Anchor Text plays an important role with regard to the target traffic as well as the search engine rankings. An appropriate Anchor Text apprises the visitors of the content of the page it links to.
Besides, Anchor Text gives a real clue to the search engines regarding the content of the web page it links to. The right Anchor Text improves your website’s search engine ranking. That’s why it’s imperative to pick the Anchor Text astutely.
Google reckons Anchor Text to be an indicator of the page relevance. Google, using its special operator “allinanchor:keyword”, separately indexes the Anchor Text. Given below are some tips for choosing the right Anchor Text that suits the search engine algorithms, and attracts the right traffic.
ToolsWebsite tools makes your website user friendly. It is recommended that you make use of the tools that are visitor friendly. New scripts and innovative schemes for the visitor help you get more inward links. This in turn builds traffic to your website. You should add the tools that are attractive. For example, you can offer free e-books, or introduce new exciting sections relevant to your website. This will make your website exciting for the visitors. Google loves unique content. It richly rewards the websites that provide more content and better facilities to the visitors. Google likes genuine of traffic coming to your website from Ad Sense network. Genuine traffic yields higher payouts. Website tools makes your website a genuine one. The credibility of your website increases the probability of your website getting high paying ads via Google.
Target Niche Keywords
It is important for you to identify the niche markets. This will enable you to fetch the traffic that has not been targeted much, and at the same time gels well with your industry. If your competitor is leading with X traffic on one keyword, you can compete with him by targeting ten niche keywords. This will give you the same amount of traffic. Keyword country provides you with hordes of niche keywords. These niche keywords bring more target traffic to your web pages. This results in a better ROI (if you are selling products or affiliates) or an increased Adsense CTR (Click Thru Ratio) of your ads.
Rabu, 06 Februari 2008
The one way to take advantage of Google AdWords is to become affiliate. Affiliate marketing is where someone advertises for another website and in return that person receives commission for each sale their advertising brigs to that website. Here's an example: Let's say I want to sell Laptop Computers, but I don't have a website and/or I don't have any computers to sell. Well instead of starting a company, I can just find a company online which already sells computers and offers an affiliate program. Now that I have searched and found a company, I look at what they offer. Let's say they are giving 10% commission on every sale I make. I decide to use that company and I set up my affiliate account with them and they give me a special URL (a web address that will let the company know that it was my advertising which gave them the sale), which I use in my advertisements. Now I make ad advertisement, and display it on Google. Whenever someone sees and clicks on my advertisement it will go to the company's webpage. Let's say that one hundred people clicked on my text advertisement and one of them buys a computer that cost $1,200. Because that person who bought the computer clicked on my advertisement that company will give me 10% of $1,200 which means that I made $120.00
Most online companies offer affiliate program. Companies like Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max,, and many more, literally tens of thousands. There are also companies online which all they do is offer other online business a way to have an affiliate program. These affiliate Companies manage affiliate programs for thousands of online companies. This means that if you have an account with Affiliate Company (they are completely free), you can advertise for any of the thousands of companies that use them to manage their affiliate sales. If you want to, you can search Google for affiliate programs just to see how big online marketing currently is.
By using AdWords and high paying affiliate program you can start earning money today. The AdWords advertisements are Pay Per Click (PPC), which means that the owner of that advertisement pays Google every time someone clicks on their advertisement. The main reason for wanting to pay for traffic is because it is very very difficult to receive free traffic on Google. When you sign up for Google AdWords Pay Per Click advertising your advertisement will be displayed almost immediately in Google's search results (usually within 5 minutes). You can also decide which page you want your advertisements to be displayed on ( the first page receives more visitors than the other pages).
It is very simple to start Google AdWords account. Go to and look toward the bottom of the page. You will see a link says "Advertising Programs". Once you there, you should click on the link which says Google AdWords. After clicking "Click to Begin", you will be taken to a couple of pages which will ask you how you want to set up your advertising group(s) with Google. Google will send you an email to the email address you specified which will contain a URL that you will need to go to in order to activate your account. After you go to that URL you can log into Google AdWords using your email address as your user name. Now that you have an account set up, you are ready to learn how to create a Campaign so you can begin making money online.
Here is how to create a AdWords campaign in Google. First off to create a new keyword campaign, click the link" Keyword-Targeted" campaign. You will be prompted to name your campaign. Your campaign name is what will be displayed on the first screen when you log into your Google AdWords account. Since you will most likely have several campaigns, when you name your campaign you will want to make sure it is unique name that will let you know exactly what you are advertising in that campaign. Next you will need to name your AdGroup. Remember, you will have several different AdGroups with one Campaign, so name it something that will help you know exactly what keywords are in that AdGroup. Next, you should choose the area(s) where you want your ads to appear. There are three different ways to choose where you want to advertise. You can choose to advertise by Countries and Territories, Regions and Cities, or Customized.
The most important thing you need in order to have a successful Google campaign is a text ad with a high CTR. Text Ads with a high CTR will increase your Quality Score which will increase your overall position. Things You Should Know: 1. You are not required to have "http:" or "www" in your display URL. 2. Google will not let you capitalize all the letters in all your words, but they will let you capitalize most of your words. 3. The website must not require additional software to load (example: it cannot be a .pdf instead of .htm). 4. Back button must be able to go back to Google with one click. 5. You can't have websites that mirror other websites that are advertised for the same keyword (example: having the same pictures and text but using a different web address). I know many affiliates do this, but I don't know how much Google enforces this rule. 6. The website you are advertising cannot have a pop up or pup under ad.
Another key to having a successful online business is making sure that every single person who is even the slightest bit interested in your product sees your advertisement. The best way to do this is by creating a very huge keyword list (thousands of keywords). Some products have many keywords, while others have very few. Usually the more keywords there are available for the product, the better. Not because it is searched more often, but also because most people who are also selling the same product will only select a few general keywords which may be very broad keywords. When you bid on Google, you will not always pay the price you enter. The price you enter is the MCPC (Maximum Cost Per Click) you are willing to pay for that keyword. Google constantly updating the bids for the keywords in their search engine. For example if your MCPC is $0.15 and the advertiser in front of you is bidding $0.16 and the Ad one position behind you is bidding $0.05, you will only pay $0.06 per click, because there is no reason why you should have to pay $0.15 per click if you can get the same Ad position for $0.06 per click.
Google is a most searched search engine on the internet and with that they are consistently making update and improvement. If you are really serious about making money online or promotion you current business I will make a recommendation that will make you an absolute pro on AdWords. I've spend thousands trying to research best possible ways to market in the internet. With all the money I've spend I could of just gotten one system Google MoneyPro by Steven Holdaway. You absolutely cannot ignore what he has to share with you. He personally makes over $120,000 per month.
Most online companies offer affiliate program. Companies like Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max,, and many more, literally tens of thousands. There are also companies online which all they do is offer other online business a way to have an affiliate program. These affiliate Companies manage affiliate programs for thousands of online companies. This means that if you have an account with Affiliate Company (they are completely free), you can advertise for any of the thousands of companies that use them to manage their affiliate sales. If you want to, you can search Google for affiliate programs just to see how big online marketing currently is.
By using AdWords and high paying affiliate program you can start earning money today. The AdWords advertisements are Pay Per Click (PPC), which means that the owner of that advertisement pays Google every time someone clicks on their advertisement. The main reason for wanting to pay for traffic is because it is very very difficult to receive free traffic on Google. When you sign up for Google AdWords Pay Per Click advertising your advertisement will be displayed almost immediately in Google's search results (usually within 5 minutes). You can also decide which page you want your advertisements to be displayed on ( the first page receives more visitors than the other pages).
It is very simple to start Google AdWords account. Go to and look toward the bottom of the page. You will see a link says "Advertising Programs". Once you there, you should click on the link which says Google AdWords. After clicking "Click to Begin", you will be taken to a couple of pages which will ask you how you want to set up your advertising group(s) with Google. Google will send you an email to the email address you specified which will contain a URL that you will need to go to in order to activate your account. After you go to that URL you can log into Google AdWords using your email address as your user name. Now that you have an account set up, you are ready to learn how to create a Campaign so you can begin making money online.
Here is how to create a AdWords campaign in Google. First off to create a new keyword campaign, click the link" Keyword-Targeted" campaign. You will be prompted to name your campaign. Your campaign name is what will be displayed on the first screen when you log into your Google AdWords account. Since you will most likely have several campaigns, when you name your campaign you will want to make sure it is unique name that will let you know exactly what you are advertising in that campaign. Next you will need to name your AdGroup. Remember, you will have several different AdGroups with one Campaign, so name it something that will help you know exactly what keywords are in that AdGroup. Next, you should choose the area(s) where you want your ads to appear. There are three different ways to choose where you want to advertise. You can choose to advertise by Countries and Territories, Regions and Cities, or Customized.
The most important thing you need in order to have a successful Google campaign is a text ad with a high CTR. Text Ads with a high CTR will increase your Quality Score which will increase your overall position. Things You Should Know: 1. You are not required to have "http:" or "www" in your display URL. 2. Google will not let you capitalize all the letters in all your words, but they will let you capitalize most of your words. 3. The website must not require additional software to load (example: it cannot be a .pdf instead of .htm). 4. Back button must be able to go back to Google with one click. 5. You can't have websites that mirror other websites that are advertised for the same keyword (example: having the same pictures and text but using a different web address). I know many affiliates do this, but I don't know how much Google enforces this rule. 6. The website you are advertising cannot have a pop up or pup under ad.
Another key to having a successful online business is making sure that every single person who is even the slightest bit interested in your product sees your advertisement. The best way to do this is by creating a very huge keyword list (thousands of keywords). Some products have many keywords, while others have very few. Usually the more keywords there are available for the product, the better. Not because it is searched more often, but also because most people who are also selling the same product will only select a few general keywords which may be very broad keywords. When you bid on Google, you will not always pay the price you enter. The price you enter is the MCPC (Maximum Cost Per Click) you are willing to pay for that keyword. Google constantly updating the bids for the keywords in their search engine. For example if your MCPC is $0.15 and the advertiser in front of you is bidding $0.16 and the Ad one position behind you is bidding $0.05, you will only pay $0.06 per click, because there is no reason why you should have to pay $0.15 per click if you can get the same Ad position for $0.06 per click.
Google is a most searched search engine on the internet and with that they are consistently making update and improvement. If you are really serious about making money online or promotion you current business I will make a recommendation that will make you an absolute pro on AdWords. I've spend thousands trying to research best possible ways to market in the internet. With all the money I've spend I could of just gotten one system Google MoneyPro by Steven Holdaway. You absolutely cannot ignore what he has to share with you. He personally makes over $120,000 per month.
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